
More Writers Wanted!

Yes folks, I have another friend who is searching for good, reliable writers. Not just article writers this time. This particular job will suit anyone looking for some paid forum posting, paid blog commenting or paid Twitter posting as well as writing articles.

So if you're interested in picking up some extra writing work, the details about how to apply are below this post.


Here's what she needs:

For forum posters;
We are looking for writers who can succinctly state their opinions, likes or dislikes. Forum posts have a minimum word count of only 25 words, and as a result you need to be able to make an interesting point briefly, rather than just writing 'filler' posts.

We also require proper use of English grammar and spelling, though both US and UK spelling is tolerated for applications. Some job sites require the spelling and grammar conventions of just one country however.

The ability to properly use paragraphs is also required, in order to make longer posts make sense.

Applicants must be able to follow instructions, and in order to establish this there is a set application process that they must work through.

Lastly we are looking for people who can interact with other politely. Those who are short with others, or worse-are rude-will be rejected.

Never do we mention that we are paid to be on a website, and never do we do anything that makes us stand out. Our job is to blend in, and make it seem like we are just another member who has stumbled across the website and has decided to join and to post.

For Twitter jobs;
This is a little more specialized. Twitter allows only 140 characters per tweet, and as such, Twitter posts must be even more succinct. It is also important to be able to use as many of the 140 characters as possible, and to be able to make a big impact with those very short statements.

For blog jobs;
Here it is important to read the material given and be able to reply appropriately, so this requires a slightly higher level of comprehension than other jobs do.

Third party posting jobs;
Occasionally we are hired to write posts on other people's websites that advertise a particular product. This may be by mentioning the product in passing, or by using our signature space to advertise. These jobs require a big effort in order to have the writer fit in with the members already there, and we must blend in or else the campaign is likely to fail.

For article writers;
Now here it is a little harder to lay out the requirements. It is fair to say that successful applicants must have the skills previously laid out. But there is a lot more to it.

In order to write an article and do it well, you must have an excellent grasp of written English. You must be able to use grammar and spelling correctly, as well as use the appropriate phrasing at the appropriate times.

It is important that articles are written with a more text book version of English than you may otherwise use, because this enables it to be understood by people from around the world. In the UK we call this 'Queen's English', or 'BBC English'. Unfortunately, the use of colloquialisms and local phraseology can be confusing as those terms tend to only be understood by people from the areas in which the colloquialisms originate. Since the web is world wide, we want to be able to reach as big an audience as possible.

Additionally there is a distinct need to be able to carry a train of thought, and to organize thoughts into a logical progression throughout the article. There needs to be a beginning, a middle that fleshes out the theme and a conclusion-just like writing a story.

Potential article writers will do well if in high school or college, they were able to complete written assignments comfortably. Avid readers are also likely to do well, if they are able to emulate the authors that they read. Those people who are exposed frequently to high quality English writing are going to do better than those who only read the 'scandal' media, or worse. No IM or text speak is tolerated, and it must be remembered at all times that written work is professional and not for pleasure.

This means that it is important to discuss the themes and opinions that the client wants, and to express the bias that matches their website. If they are selling a particular product then you would sing it's praises-but within the realms of reality. You would not discuss the bad points associated with the product you are writing about.

Articles are almost never written in the first person, with the exception being a client that requests a first person point of view. Instead an extreme third person is used-you never discuss your own thoughts or feelings and don't talk about things that happen to you. Articles must be detached from your own life, and though it is OK to use your own experiences, you should do so in a way that makes the article seem neutral. Again, there are exceptions to this rule but then this will be stated.

The final point applies to any of the jobs that we have. Writers are expected to always take the client and their needs into consideration. It is common sense that if we are writing on a forum that is on a website that sells a certain piece of software, that you wouldn't instead write about their biggest competitor. We don't link to external sites unless it is a requirement of the job, as we may instead end up sending traffic away from the client who has hired us.

Across the board, all of our jobs require the ability to research the subjects that you are working on. Even those subjects that you are familiar with will occasionally need a more obscure question looking up, and for that reason, anyone applying for a position with us must be comfortable with researching online.

Humility is the last and most important characteristic of a member of our staff. Never be too proud to ask where something is unclear. For that leads to errors and unhappy clients-and that makes us unhappy too. There are established protocols for seeking help, and a large staff of writers who are normally willing to help a wayward newbie-and a staff of moderators and admin staff who are also available when needed.


Click here to read instructions on how to apply for a position within this team: http://paidforumposting.com/forums/index.php/topic,6455.msg66132.html#msg66132

And don't forget to tell Di that Bianca sent you!