There's nothing worse than watching a talented new writer waste time, energy and money - and ruin a potentially lucrative career - by selling their hard work to sites that only pay pennies. Don't do it!
There are lots of sites around the world offering to pay any writer a few cents up to a couple of dollars to write articles that have to be unique, original and in correct English. The problem is, writing a 500 word article that makes any sense can take up to 40 minutes. At $2 per article, you're wasting your time. Even worse, some of the revenue share sites want 500 word articles and they only pay "a share of revenue" - which means you might be lucky to make a few cents for all your time and effort.
So I thought I'd try and stop the fad of writing for a few cents an hour and get writers AWAY from these rip off sites and into REAL paying writing opportunities.
Below is a list of places I search when I need to sell writing or seek out new publications.
Non-Fiction Markets - Articles & Features
Writing For Dollars
These guys have a massive searchable database of market guidelines. Simply type in your chosen article topic and search through the database. The guidelines tell you exactly what each editor is looking for specifically.
The best part about this is that the markets could be from almost anywhere in the world, which means you could increase your international writing income as well as picking up a great assignment.
Worldwide Freelance
This international site is great for finding high paying markets from all over the world. I've posted before about the benefits of earning an international income and how it can really help your writing career. Search their database of markets and find something that suits you!
Absolute Write Markets
A nice listing of "writer's wanted" posts in forum format for both non-fiction and fiction. I've picked up a few nice assignments and fiction listings from this place. Some are great paying! Avoid the low paying posts though...
This site also has a free email newsletter, so join up and you'll receive market listings from all over the world direct to your inbox. You can find the free ezine here:
Fiction Markets
This brilliant searchable database lets you search for specific genres, specific pay-rates and even competitions. If you write across a couple of different genres, like I do, then Duotrope can be very handy!
Ralan's Webstravaganza
Excellent genre fiction site, including short fiction markets from all over the world, including anthology collections. I use this site a LOT!
Fiction Factor
This amazing collection of fiction markets is probably the biggest I've found anywhere on the net. Broken into various genres, the individual free downloadable ebooks are just MASSIVE.
The above link goes to the choices of markets available on this huge site, but below are three downloadable ebooks you can keep and reference later. I use these ebooks more than any other market source.
Horror Short Fiction Markets:
Fantasy Short Fiction Markets:
Science Fiction Short Fiction Markets:
Now that you have all my favorite market places, you have no excuse to be earning pennies for your talent when you could be earning big dollars!
What are you waiting for? Get writing!