I've received a lot of comments and emails from non-US writers (mostly UK and Australian writers, but a few European and Indian writers too) - and they're all wondering where all the writing markets are that accept non-US writers.
So I've been searching high and low for everything I can find. After all, the British pound pays SO well in Aussie dollars and even exchanges well into US! ;)
This is how I found WordsOfWorth.
This UK market assigns writers contracts for work that involves up to 80 short articles a month paid at £250 per month (For you Aussies that's around $575 per month and for anyone in the US that's approx $355 per month)
Now before you panic and think "OH NO! 80 articles a month? No way Raven!"
Let's break it down a bit. 80 articles a month is 20 articles a week, which is 4 articles per day across a 5 day working week. These are NOT long, involved articles. WordsOfWorth are seeking informative blog posts.
If you type quickly, you should be able to churn out 4 of these in an hour at the end of a working day.
So if you'd like to look into WordsOfWorth as an option for a bit of extra money each month, then you can find their writer's application here:
Good luck!
Freelance Job Boards to Avoid - WebMaster-Talk.com
It's happened again. I found yet another pointless, useless freelance 'job-board' filled with silly writers lining up to be paid 50 cents an article. This one is called 'webmaster-talk.com'. There are plenty of webmasters there offering plenty of writing jobs. NONE of them are paying anything worth checking out.
The only reason webmasters and article marketers think they only need to pay these really low rates is because those 'writers' are STUPID enough to accept those rates in the first place! Stop it!
Accepting ridiculously low rates like this not only hurts you and your income, but it hurts the entire writing market as well. You honestly wouldn't spend an entire day at your paid day-job only to earn $2, so why would you do it as a writer? You'd make more money flipping burgers at McDonalds.
If you're ever tempted to accept a writing job like this, grab a shovel, dig out your self-respect from wherever you buried it and stand firm that you want more money than slave-labor pay for all that time and effort. Eventually these sharks will figure out that they have to pay FAIRLY for our time and our work and everyone benefits.
If you're still interested in checking out this pointless "job site" for yourself, it's here:
/end rant
It's happened again. I found yet another pointless, useless freelance 'job-board' filled with silly writers lining up to be paid 50 cents an article. This one is called 'webmaster-talk.com'. There are plenty of webmasters there offering plenty of writing jobs. NONE of them are paying anything worth checking out.
The only reason webmasters and article marketers think they only need to pay these really low rates is because those 'writers' are STUPID enough to accept those rates in the first place! Stop it!
Accepting ridiculously low rates like this not only hurts you and your income, but it hurts the entire writing market as well. You honestly wouldn't spend an entire day at your paid day-job only to earn $2, so why would you do it as a writer? You'd make more money flipping burgers at McDonalds.
If you're ever tempted to accept a writing job like this, grab a shovel, dig out your self-respect from wherever you buried it and stand firm that you want more money than slave-labor pay for all that time and effort. Eventually these sharks will figure out that they have to pay FAIRLY for our time and our work and everyone benefits.
If you're still interested in checking out this pointless "job site" for yourself, it's here:
/end rant
Freelance Writing Myths Dispelled
I get a lot of comments and emails from people who simply don't believe they're good enough to work with the higher paying writing markets.
Here's a saying that's frequently mentioned on my favorite writing ezine:
"A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit."-- Richard Bach
Even the big-time, highly paid writers had to start somewhere. Just like you and me, they started at the beginning, worked to improve their skills and aimed higher until they got where they were going.
Let's look at some frequently asked questions, myths and misconceptions about writing.
Myth: I need to start with revenue-share sites to 'get my feet wet'
Truth: No you don't. What you probably need to do is work on your own levels of confidence. Write to the best of your ability. Learn what your client or intended publication wants and write to their specifications. Read other articles that were accepted for publication and learn the difference between that writer's style and your own. Then submit some more.
Myth: I need a diploma or degree in writing to make a living from writing
Truth: No you don't. I do have a degree in Economics - but I don't have any formal education in freelance writing. Yet I manage to bring in a comfortable six figure income every year without problem. The main skill you need to earn a living from writing is the ability to write coherently and get your message across to anyone reading what you've written.
Myth: Writing online is easy money
Truth: If this was true then everyone would be doing it. The many comments and emails I receive from people begging to be pointed in the right direction tell me that many people are just after a quick, easy dollar without putting in the effort, discpline, time or patience involved in learning a skill that will expand and grow your career.
Of course there are many readers on this blog who actively work hard at doing the right things, submitting to writing markets and work hard to improve their skills. I'm referring to those people who want it all handed to them without going to any effort themselves.
After all, if I can search the internet and find the markets I'm pointing out to you, then obviously they weren't so difficult to find.
Myth: I can only aim at $2 per article jobs while I'm still learning
Truth: Your confidence in yourself and in your own ablities dictates the amount of money you will accept. Only you can determine what your time and effort is worth. If your own confidence levels tells you that you should bid $1 per article because that's all you're worth - then you've set your own income level and sealed your own fate.
Have the courage to ask for $10 per article or $20 or $75 or even $150 - and then be sure to over-deliver on what the client is expecting. Show them that more money equals better quality. You'll keep getting that amount of money.
Myth: Writing for online markets is easier than offline markets
Truth: Yes, the difference in writing style is substantially different for magazines and newspapers - but different is not the same thing as being any harder or any easier. Magazines and periodicals would go out of business very quickly if they didn't receive submissions from writers. They need your work in order to stay alive.
This means you should spend some time learning what type of writing style a particular magazine likes before you write even one word. Learn what that editor likes and then learn to modify your own writing style to suit.
While it's true that the style of writing preferred in most magazine is a lot more professional sounding than the conversational-type English we're all used to in online article writing, that makes it easier to get your information across.
Myth: Rejection means the editor hates me and everyone will laugh at me.
Truth: Of the several billion internet users online at any given time of any day, do you really think they're all going to come and personally laugh at you for having an article rejected? Are you really that self-absorbed?
Editors reject submissions that don't adhere to their guidelines. Editors reject submissions when they're overstocked. They reject other submissions just because they already bought something similar or they may reject others just because they've overspent their freelance budget that month.
ALL professional writers receive rejections. It's a normal, expected part of being a professional writer. If you allow a normal part of the writing business to deter you from ever submitting anything ever again, then you really don't want it badly enough.
So... if you've been busy visiting a lot of writing sites filled with newer writers who insist that working for $6 per year from a revenue-share site is a good bargain and that's all you can aspire to while you're learning, I strongly suggest you avoid those types of sites in future.
Have confidence in yourself and your abilities. Have the courage and the pride to demand payment for what your work is really worth. Treat every writing job that is trusted to you with respect and gratitude and complete it to the best of your ability.
But most of all - write because you love it.
Here's a saying that's frequently mentioned on my favorite writing ezine:
"A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit."-- Richard Bach
Even the big-time, highly paid writers had to start somewhere. Just like you and me, they started at the beginning, worked to improve their skills and aimed higher until they got where they were going.
Let's look at some frequently asked questions, myths and misconceptions about writing.
Myth: I need to start with revenue-share sites to 'get my feet wet'
Truth: No you don't. What you probably need to do is work on your own levels of confidence. Write to the best of your ability. Learn what your client or intended publication wants and write to their specifications. Read other articles that were accepted for publication and learn the difference between that writer's style and your own. Then submit some more.
Myth: I need a diploma or degree in writing to make a living from writing
Truth: No you don't. I do have a degree in Economics - but I don't have any formal education in freelance writing. Yet I manage to bring in a comfortable six figure income every year without problem. The main skill you need to earn a living from writing is the ability to write coherently and get your message across to anyone reading what you've written.
Myth: Writing online is easy money
Truth: If this was true then everyone would be doing it. The many comments and emails I receive from people begging to be pointed in the right direction tell me that many people are just after a quick, easy dollar without putting in the effort, discpline, time or patience involved in learning a skill that will expand and grow your career.
Of course there are many readers on this blog who actively work hard at doing the right things, submitting to writing markets and work hard to improve their skills. I'm referring to those people who want it all handed to them without going to any effort themselves.
After all, if I can search the internet and find the markets I'm pointing out to you, then obviously they weren't so difficult to find.
Myth: I can only aim at $2 per article jobs while I'm still learning
Truth: Your confidence in yourself and in your own ablities dictates the amount of money you will accept. Only you can determine what your time and effort is worth. If your own confidence levels tells you that you should bid $1 per article because that's all you're worth - then you've set your own income level and sealed your own fate.
Have the courage to ask for $10 per article or $20 or $75 or even $150 - and then be sure to over-deliver on what the client is expecting. Show them that more money equals better quality. You'll keep getting that amount of money.
Myth: Writing for online markets is easier than offline markets
Truth: Yes, the difference in writing style is substantially different for magazines and newspapers - but different is not the same thing as being any harder or any easier. Magazines and periodicals would go out of business very quickly if they didn't receive submissions from writers. They need your work in order to stay alive.
This means you should spend some time learning what type of writing style a particular magazine likes before you write even one word. Learn what that editor likes and then learn to modify your own writing style to suit.
While it's true that the style of writing preferred in most magazine is a lot more professional sounding than the conversational-type English we're all used to in online article writing, that makes it easier to get your information across.
Myth: Rejection means the editor hates me and everyone will laugh at me.
Truth: Of the several billion internet users online at any given time of any day, do you really think they're all going to come and personally laugh at you for having an article rejected? Are you really that self-absorbed?
Editors reject submissions that don't adhere to their guidelines. Editors reject submissions when they're overstocked. They reject other submissions just because they already bought something similar or they may reject others just because they've overspent their freelance budget that month.
ALL professional writers receive rejections. It's a normal, expected part of being a professional writer. If you allow a normal part of the writing business to deter you from ever submitting anything ever again, then you really don't want it badly enough.
So... if you've been busy visiting a lot of writing sites filled with newer writers who insist that working for $6 per year from a revenue-share site is a good bargain and that's all you can aspire to while you're learning, I strongly suggest you avoid those types of sites in future.
Have confidence in yourself and your abilities. Have the courage and the pride to demand payment for what your work is really worth. Treat every writing job that is trusted to you with respect and gratitude and complete it to the best of your ability.
But most of all - write because you love it.
PLR Article Market - Paying Freelance Market
I don't know if you remember me telling you about my friend who made $650 in one day from PLR Articles? She owns her own PLR articles site and advertises the article packages she has available to webmasters.
(you can see that post here:http://ravens-writing.blogspot.com/2008/12/profiting-from-plr-articles.html)
I don't have time to set up, write articles for and promote a brand new site, so I went hunting for a ready-made PLR site willing to accept article packages from writers everywhere. Of course I found one!
These guys advertise your PLR articles for you on their site. You set your own prices and then Niche-Content-Packages pay 60% of any sales received.
Now a 40% cut of your work is kind of high - but it's sure easier than starting a brand new site with no visitors from scratch.
Good luck.
(you can see that post here:http://ravens-writing.blogspot.com/2008/12/profiting-from-plr-articles.html)
I don't have time to set up, write articles for and promote a brand new site, so I went hunting for a ready-made PLR site willing to accept article packages from writers everywhere. Of course I found one!
These guys advertise your PLR articles for you on their site. You set your own prices and then Niche-Content-Packages pay 60% of any sales received.
Now a 40% cut of your work is kind of high - but it's sure easier than starting a brand new site with no visitors from scratch.
Good luck.
LoveToKnow - Paying Freelance Market
LoveToKnow is seeking writers and editors for their sites, which include some of the following topics:
- Money and Finances
- Shopping and Fashion
- Beauty
- Entertainment
- Health and Wellness
- Technology
- Travel
- Games and Hobbies
- and more...
Writers and editors should be able to display extensive experience within the chosen topic along with professional writing and editing experience.
Pay is approximately $20-25 per article. All articles are expected to be more than 600 words long.
Personal Money Store - Paying Freelance Market
Personal Money Store will buy 525 word articles on specific finance topics. Articles must be previously unpublished. Pay rate is around 5 cents per word (approx $25 per article).
They do insist that you research their preferred topics thoroughly and include their chosen keywords several times throughout your article.
Keep in mind that the type of comments already shown on Personal Money's blog post show you the level of writers they're not really looking for (you know the ones - the comments from people that say fun things like "plz tell me how to start I write good english plz tell me how to get payed" - and then these same people wonder why they're not getting paid. Go figure.)
These kinds of comments tell the editors who will be paying out good money for quality work exactly what kind of writer you really are before they even read your article. The submission instructions are clearly written on the page. Read them. Understand them. Write your article and then submit.
Here's the writer's guidelines page:
Good luck.
(p.s. you can check out my own contributions to this blog here: http://personalmoneystore.com/moneyblog/2009/03/17/top-10-ways-increase-credit-score/
http://personalmoneystore.com/moneyblog/2009/03/19/loan-modification-stop-foreclosure/ )

They do insist that you research their preferred topics thoroughly and include their chosen keywords several times throughout your article.
Keep in mind that the type of comments already shown on Personal Money's blog post show you the level of writers they're not really looking for (you know the ones - the comments from people that say fun things like "plz tell me how to start I write good english plz tell me how to get payed" - and then these same people wonder why they're not getting paid. Go figure.)
These kinds of comments tell the editors who will be paying out good money for quality work exactly what kind of writer you really are before they even read your article. The submission instructions are clearly written on the page. Read them. Understand them. Write your article and then submit.
Here's the writer's guidelines page:
Good luck.
(p.s. you can check out my own contributions to this blog here: http://personalmoneystore.com/moneyblog/2009/03/17/top-10-ways-increase-credit-score/
http://personalmoneystore.com/moneyblog/2009/03/19/loan-modification-stop-foreclosure/ )

DailyArticle - Paying Freelance Market
DailyArticle are seeking writers to submit articles on any topic you like to their database. Clients choose articles they like or that will suit their sites and pay the price set by the writer.
Yes - that's right. You get to set your own price for your work. Be aware before you submit anything that you're selling full rights. This is a ghost-writing gig, so that means you don't get a byline or a link-back. The customer is buying full rights to your work.
Of course the management of DailyArticle check every submission for uniqueness and plagiarism. Payment is very quick via PayPal, ranging between 1 and 4 days. Each time a customer buys one of your articles, payment is processed. This can mean plenty of extra cashflow if you write well on popular topics.
To begin submitting your articles to DailyArticle, simply create an account and submit your work.
Good luck.
Yes - that's right. You get to set your own price for your work. Be aware before you submit anything that you're selling full rights. This is a ghost-writing gig, so that means you don't get a byline or a link-back. The customer is buying full rights to your work.
Of course the management of DailyArticle check every submission for uniqueness and plagiarism. Payment is very quick via PayPal, ranging between 1 and 4 days. Each time a customer buys one of your articles, payment is processed. This can mean plenty of extra cashflow if you write well on popular topics.
To begin submitting your articles to DailyArticle, simply create an account and submit your work.
Good luck.
Freelance Job vs. Freelance Business
Do you know the difference between a freelance job and a freelance business?
So many people ask me how they find a freelance site so they can find a job. They simply want to do the work and get paid. In all the hundreds of emails I receive and the writers I meet on networking sites or forums, easily 95% of them ask "How do I find a freelance job that will pay me?"
Then there are the very rare 5% of writers who will ask me the question "How do I build a successful freelance business?"
Let's look at the difference between a job and a business more closely.
Freelance Job
A job is where you are an employee. You work for an employer who pays you for completing work. You can only earn what that employer wants to pay you and the amount you can earn is limited by how much work you do.
This is what most people do when they turn up to a day-job every day. You can only earn money for the amount of hours to turn up to work. In order to earn more, you can work more hours or get another job. Your income is limited by how many hours in any day you are able to work. Increasing your income to full-time levels and beyond is almost impossible unless you're willing to work every waking moment you have.
This means if you stop working, your income STOPS. If you take a day off or take a vacation, your income STOPS.
If you find freelance work where you get paid when you work, but the moment you stop working you stop getting paid, then you've found yourself a JOB.
Freelance Business
A successful business is one that continues to make money whether you're working or not. Of course building, creating, sustaining and maintaining a successful business takes a lot more time, effort and knowledge than just simply turning up for a job.
The beauty of a business is that it should still work whether you're working or not!
This is achieved by creating revenue streams that continue to bring money into your business whether you're working or not. Examples of these kinds of revenue streams are royalties from ebooks or books or anthologies, advertising income, affiliate sales or outsourcing writing contracts and many other options.
If your freelancing still brings money into the business whether you actively work in it or not, then you have built a business. Your income is unlimited.
Combining Your Job With Your Business
Writers WRITE. There's no two-ways about this. If you're a writer, then you want to write. You enjoy writing just for the sake of writing. You want to earn your income from doing what you love.
Business-people run businesses and this is where many writers struggle to make the change between having a job that only pays you if you work and running a business that requires a different skill-set.
It is possible to build a business around doing only the things you love. A prime example of this is my own writing business. Of course I write every day because I simply love what I do. I've also managed to build that same business to the point that I'll still earn money even if I take a day off and go shopping or swimming or hang out with my daughter.
I outsource some of my own writing work to other writers when I'm so busy that I just want to do something more fun. The work keeps coming in, but I'm not working 12 or 15 hours a day.
So... the next time you're tempted to ask someone how you can find a freelance job - be careful what you ask for or you just might get it.
So many people ask me how they find a freelance site so they can find a job. They simply want to do the work and get paid. In all the hundreds of emails I receive and the writers I meet on networking sites or forums, easily 95% of them ask "How do I find a freelance job that will pay me?"
Then there are the very rare 5% of writers who will ask me the question "How do I build a successful freelance business?"
Let's look at the difference between a job and a business more closely.
Freelance Job
A job is where you are an employee. You work for an employer who pays you for completing work. You can only earn what that employer wants to pay you and the amount you can earn is limited by how much work you do.
This is what most people do when they turn up to a day-job every day. You can only earn money for the amount of hours to turn up to work. In order to earn more, you can work more hours or get another job. Your income is limited by how many hours in any day you are able to work. Increasing your income to full-time levels and beyond is almost impossible unless you're willing to work every waking moment you have.
This means if you stop working, your income STOPS. If you take a day off or take a vacation, your income STOPS.
If you find freelance work where you get paid when you work, but the moment you stop working you stop getting paid, then you've found yourself a JOB.
Freelance Business
A successful business is one that continues to make money whether you're working or not. Of course building, creating, sustaining and maintaining a successful business takes a lot more time, effort and knowledge than just simply turning up for a job.
The beauty of a business is that it should still work whether you're working or not!
This is achieved by creating revenue streams that continue to bring money into your business whether you're working or not. Examples of these kinds of revenue streams are royalties from ebooks or books or anthologies, advertising income, affiliate sales or outsourcing writing contracts and many other options.
If your freelancing still brings money into the business whether you actively work in it or not, then you have built a business. Your income is unlimited.
Combining Your Job With Your Business
Writers WRITE. There's no two-ways about this. If you're a writer, then you want to write. You enjoy writing just for the sake of writing. You want to earn your income from doing what you love.
Business-people run businesses and this is where many writers struggle to make the change between having a job that only pays you if you work and running a business that requires a different skill-set.
It is possible to build a business around doing only the things you love. A prime example of this is my own writing business. Of course I write every day because I simply love what I do. I've also managed to build that same business to the point that I'll still earn money even if I take a day off and go shopping or swimming or hang out with my daughter.
I outsource some of my own writing work to other writers when I'm so busy that I just want to do something more fun. The work keeps coming in, but I'm not working 12 or 15 hours a day.
So... the next time you're tempted to ask someone how you can find a freelance job - be careful what you ask for or you just might get it.
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