
Get Paid to Rant!

Oh my! Now I've seen everything.

I've just been paid to rant.

You read that correctly. There really is a site out there willing to let you rant about anything you want to just get off your chest and scream out to the world. They don't care about literary perfection or grammatical correctness. They don't mind what you're ranting about. Complain, whine, whinge, rant or let off steam. Just rant and if they publish your rant you get paid.

I never would have believed there was a profitable way to let off steam - but here it is:

Rant Blogger - http://www.rantblogger.com/?page_id=19

Okay - the pay is pathetic. It's $5. But let's be serious - I wasn't composing a feature article for an internationally published glossy magazine. I was ranting about something that ticked me off.

They'll even let you submit as many rants as you want - as often as you feel like ranting.

Visit Rant Blogger and check it out for yourself.

1 comment:

ILoveMoney said...

Hi, I am new to blogspot and was checking out your blog ( via mylot) and I went to this site to check it out rantblogger.com and it said they are making a new site..

and just wondering, how can you add a blog or friend..LOL Check out my blog for fun and let me know how I can improve and get viewers..LOL